Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Personal Notes

A few personal notes for the day:

First, and most importantly, my Grandmother is going in for heart surgery today.  Everyone assures me that there's nothing to worry about, but that doesn't change that fact that I am a little worried.  I'm sure everything will be fine, but keep her in your thoughts today.

Second (on a much more positive note): I found out today that I passed the NC Bar!  It looks like my plans of moving to Italy and becoming a fisherman have to be put on hold now and we really do have to return to the states at the end of September.

I know I haven't been great with updating the blog regularly lately, but I'm almost up to speed.  We're leaving Kotor and heading to Sveti Stefan for some more beach time this morning.  I'll try to update more pictures and everything soon.

-Jackson Price, Esq. (Sorry, I had to do that at least once)

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