Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blue Cruise - Our Last Day

Kati and Me at the Rock Tomb
Our last day on the cruise was more like our first day in Fethiye.  We woke up, had breakfast, drove to a bay just outside of Fethiye to swim and have lunch, and then we went to the harbor in Fethiye.  Fethiye is a much larger city than I had expected.  Emerald, Phil, Jule, Manu, Kati, and I set out together to find a place to stay.  We found a pretty dumpy hotel near the harbor, but the rooms were cheap, they had air conditioning, and they had internet.

After a beer and a good shower, all of us set out to climb up to the rock tombs.  In one of the hills above Fethiye, you can see Ionic columns built into the rocks themselves.  I had heard that these tombs are a really great place to catch the sunset, so we timed it to be able to sit up there and relax while the sun fell.  After paying 8 lira ($4.50), we climbed a set of stairs to the only tomb that was accessible.  The tomb itself could not have been more disappointing.  While the outside facade is very cool, peeking into the tomb itself reveals only a very small room covered in graffiti.  Additionally, the sun set too far to the left so it fell under a high mountain outside of Fethiye before it really lit up the sky.  At least the views were great.

Kati and Emerald at Our Seafood Feast
Our next stop was the famous Fethiye fish market.  It's a really unique set-up.  There's a small fish market in a somewhat octagonal shape where you can buy a wide array of seafood.  Then there are a whole slew of restaurants surrounding the fish market itself.  These restaurants all offer to help you select the seafood and then cook it for you, for a nominal fee of 6 lira.  The six of us grabbed a sea bass, a sea bream, some squid, and a bunch of prawns.  The meal was delicious, and to make it even better, the German/Czechs ran across us as soon as we sat down to eat.  The sea bream was especially fantastic.

Emerald and Phil had befriended a Portuguese couple in Olympos and we happened to run into them in Fethiye.  They told us about this great bar in the center of the city called the Car Cemetery Bar.  We happened to stumble across it while we were wandering and decided to camp out there for a bit.  Most of the rest of the crew got a nargile (water pipe) and we all had a few beers.  They even had a pool table so Phil and I played a few games to pass the time.  We finished off the night relaxing on the terrace of our hotel, drinking a few beers.

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