Saturday, January 26, 2013

Beach Day - Magens Bay

Magen's Bay
Yesterday morning the cruise ships finally left port, at least temporarily, so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity and hit one of the more touristy locations - Magen's Bay.  Magen's Bay is a beautiful, mile-long beach of the most ideal white sand.  Coupled with the fact that it's an easy trip from Charlotte Amalie, there's no wonder why it's one of the most populated beaches on St. Thomas.  We showed up around 11:30, after making a grocery run, and as soon as we stepped out of the car it started pouring.  Luckily, we had picked up some beer at the grocery.  Unluckily, playing drinking games during the hour-long shower destroyed our beer cache for the rest of the day.

Once the sun came out the day was perfect.  We did some sunbathing, played some frisbee, and generally relaxed.  Wes and I ran the length of the beach and back (I'd estimate about 1.7 miles total).  It was a great run until we got to the far end of the beach where the slant made it very difficult to run.  Still, it was nice to get at least a little run in while on vacation.

On our way home in the afternoon we stopped at a local ice cream shop called Udder Delight to get some alcoholic milkshakes.  Apparently the place is a dairy and a few years back there was a huge scandal because they were importing powdered milk, reconcentrating it, and pawning it off as fresh.  Despite that story though, the milkshakes were great.

We had dinner at a sushi place outside of Frenchtown called Enkai.  It's in probably the shadiest location ever - behind a bunch of warehouses in a not-so-nice looking part of town.  While its surroundings leave something to be desired, Enkai is great and it's right on the water, offering an amazing view of Water Island while you eat.  The sushi is supposedly the best on the island, and it didn't disappoint.  It's very American-style sushi with a Caribbean twist, but it may be some of the best sushi I've had anywhere.

Us and Morgan at XO Bistro
It was Wes's last full day down here, so we decided to celebrate and go out on the town.  We started in Frenchtown and played a few rounds of darts at Betsy's Bar.  While there we met this German highschooler down in the islands on vacation who was up for anything and kept trying to get us (or anyone) to arm wrestle him.  A bit later in the evening we left Frenchtown and relocated our darts competition to some bar on the top of a mountain.  For the life of me I can't remember what its called, but it was a pretty neat place.  We only stayed there for two drinks before heading down to Red Hook and finishing the night at XO Bistro.  One of Alex's friends, a local named Morgan who owns a clothing boutique, was there.  It was a great time. We came home and passed out in the early hours of the morning after yet another great day.

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