Sunday, January 27, 2013

Our Last Day On St. Thomas

Secret Harbor

It was pointed out to me after our Eastern European adventure that I never updated our blog with regard to our final two days in Turkey or, more importantly, the fact that we made it back alive.  While I make no promises that I will not make the same mistake in the future, I will do my best to avoid leaving our readers hanging and leaving our family and friends wondering whether or not we’re alright.

Today was our last day in the Virgin Islands, so we decided to get in just a little more relaxation before heading to the airport.  Alex took us over to Secret Harbor, which may be my favorite beach on St. Thomas.  It was small, secluded, and not very busy yet there was still a bar/restaurant and a dive shop in a private condo complex right there in the harbor.  We grabbed a few early morning tacos before heading down to the beach.  They were good, but nothing like the Wahoo tacos we cooked ourselves a few nights ago.

Secret Harbor was great because it offered me the opportunity to do a little snorkeling – something that our adventures in the Caribbean had yet to afford me.  Unfortunately, I stood alone in my desire to go snorkeling as Kati opted to read and Alex opted to not snorkel.  My solitude didn’t stop me from checking out the harbor though, which is known as a fairly good snorkeling location on the island.  Despite the jubilant cries of a mother who claimed to have found a “big” octopus just feet from the sandy beach, I saw no similar creatures.  I did, however, find my fair share of tropical fish, sea urchins, and coral.  I even found a few lonely sea anemones.  It wasn’t the best snorkeling I’ve done, but it was still really neat and I’m glad that I got a chance to venture into the ocean a bit before we left.

We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing on the beach and escaping the heat at the bar, after all I had to get at least one more painkiller before leaving the land of sugar and sweet.  Kati opted for the humorously named “nutwacker” instead, which was essentially a bushwhacker with peanut butter and chocolate – a delicious combination that tastes just like an alcoholic Reece’s cup.

It is sad to be leaving the islands, but it’ll be nice to get back to our own bed and our own routine.  We did, however, leave with the promises of meeting back up with Alex and Wes (and hopefully more of my pledge brothers) in the future for similar trips.  And Alex and I discussed the not-so-distant possibility of a big joint 30th birthday celebration in Southeastern Asia.  Now it’s time to start perusing the world and daydreaming about our next jaunt into that big blue ball we call the world.  Until next time…

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